Thursday 7 February 2013

What I'm Working On: Stalk

I'm simply rolling in all the Cassandre Dayne right now. Who, by the way, was just on this radio show! Have a listen to ANYTHING GOES on blogtalkradio with Bennet Pomerantz and a couple of my acquaintances!
I turn into 450 pounds of carnivore at will.

Staged Whispers is on its way to your ereaders, ladies and gentlemen. I gotta say, dat ending. But I digress and risk many a spoiler, so I needs must continue. Next I'll be editing another installment in Dayne's Bad Things series: Stalk!

Vampires? Werewolves? Witches? No, thanks. I'll take God, the Devil and WERETIGERS please.

What would you do if you discovered someone from your past was still alive? You might wish to connect with him, protect him. But how do you protect someone from himself when it's the world that needs protection from him? Anastasia must make difficult choices for her and her Pride of weretigers in the upcoming battle of good and evil.

Oh, yeah, there's sex in it too.

Check out the beginning of Anastasia's sexual and spiritual sojourn in Bad Things Book I: Hunger, which can be found on the Naughty Nights Press eStore, Amazon, Amazon UK, and of course ARe.

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